Beat the Heat with a Tropical Layered Rum Runner!

Summer’s here and it’s calling for something cool and tropical! This Layered Rum Runner is the perfect way to relax and sip on a taste of paradise without ever leaving your backyard.

It’s a fun and colorful drink that’s surprisingly easy to make. Sweet pineapple mixes with a hint of coconut and a touch of blue for a refreshing summer cooler that will have you feeling like you’re on a beach vacation.

Ready to turn your backyard into a beach bar? Here’s what you need:

  • Tropical Touches (makes 1 drink):
    • 1 oz Grenadine – for a sweet red base, like a pretty sunset.
    • ½ oz Coconut Rum – because who doesn’t love a taste of coconut on a beach?
    • 4 oz Pineapple Juice – pure sunshine in a glass!
    • 1 oz Pineapple Rum – double the pineapple power for extra flavor.
    • 1 oz Blue Curaçao – to create that amazing blue lagoon on top.
  • What You’ll Need at Home:
    • Ice – to keep your drink nice and cold.
    • Shaker (optional) – to mix things up smoothly, but a cup with ice works too!
    • Glass – pick your favorite – a big hurricane glass or a tall glass will do just fine.
  • Fun Extras (optional):
    • Pineapple Slices – for a little extra island feel.
    • Grapefruit Slices – a citrusy twist to add some zing.
    • Maraschino Cherries – a classic and colorful touch.

Let’s Make Paradise in a Glass!

  1. Get the Party Started: Fill your glass with ice. This will keep your drink cool and refreshing.
  2. Sunset Time: Pour the grenadine syrup into the bottom of the glass. Watch as it creates a cool red layer, just like a beautiful sunset.
  3. Shaking Up Sunshine: In your shaker (or a cup with ice if you don’t have a shaker), combine the pineapple juice and coconut rum. Shake it up good to make it nice and smooth.
  4. The Golden Layer: Gently pour the pineapple juice and coconut rum mixture over the grenadine in your glass. See how it creates a pretty golden layer, like sunshine sparkling on the water?
  5. Blue Lagoon Magic: In the same shaker (or cup with ice), combine the pineapple rum and blue curaçao with ice. Give it a good shake or stir.
  6. The Big Finish: Carefully pour the blue curaçao mixture over the back of a spoon, letting it slowly spread over the golden layer. This will create a stunning blue top layer, like a tropical lagoon.
  7. Island Fun (optional): Add some pineapple slices, grapefruit slices, or maraschino cherries for a pop of color and extra tropical vibes.

And there you have it! Your very own Layered Rum Runner, ready to transport you to a beachy paradise. So grab your drink, find a comfy spot, and enjoy a taste of summer in a glass!

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Tropical Layered Rum Runner

  • Author: Emma Carter
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 1 serving 1x


Summer’s here and it’s calling for something cool and tropical! This Layered Rum Runner is the perfect way to relax and sip on a taste of paradise without ever leaving your backyard.


  • 1 oz Grenadine
  • ½ oz Coconut Rum
  • 4 oz Pineapple Juice
  • 1 oz Pineapple Rum
  • 1 oz Blue Curaçao


  1. Fill a glass with ice.
  2. Pour grenadine syrup into the bottom of the glass.
  3. Combine pineapple juice and coconut rum in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain the mix and slowly pour it over the grenadine, creating a distinct middle layer.
  4. In the same shaker, combine pineapple rum and blue curaçao with ice. Strain and carefully pour this mix on top of the other layers, creating the blue top layer.
  5. Garnish with pineapple slices, grapefruit slices, and/or maraschino cherries (optional).
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Category: Cocktail
  • Method: Shaken, Layered
  • Cuisine: Tropical

Keywords: layered cocktail, rum, grenadine, coconut rum, pineapple juice, pineapple rum, blue curaçao, tropical

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