Summer’s Coming! Make Tangy and Fun Sour Worm Popsicles!

Sunshine calling? Beat the summer heat with these super easy Sour Worm Popsicles! They’re bursting with sweet and sour flavor, packed with chewy gummy worm bits, and are sure to be a hit with everyone.

Ready to become a popsicle pro? Here’s what you need:

  • Pick Your Base (makes about 10 popsicles):
    • 1 cup (regular cup size) lemonade or limeade (mix it with water like the directions say) – for a lemony kick.
    • 1 cup of any juice you like (grape, cherry, or mix them up!) – for a fruity party in your mouth.
    • 1 cup plain yogurt – for a creamy and tangy surprise. (Bonus: Add a little honey or maple syrup if you want it sweeter!)
  • ½ cup sour gummy worms, chopped – gotta have those yummy worms!
  • Popsicle molds and popsicle sticks – to hold your frozen fun.

Let’s Make Popsicles!

  1. Pick Your Flavor:
    • Lemonade/Limeade Lane: Pour 1 cup of your lemonade or limeade (mixed with water) in a big jug.
    • Fruity Fun Road: In another jug, pour 1 cup of your favorite juice.
    • Creamy Dreamland: Grab a bowl and mix up 1 cup of plain yogurt. Want it sweeter? Add a tiny bit of honey or maple syrup.
  2. Gummy Worm Time! No matter which flavor you picked, it’s gummy worm fun time! Add those chopped sour gummy worms to your jug or bowl and mix it all together gently.
  3. Fill Up the Molds! Carefully pour the yummy mixture into your popsicle molds. Leave a little space at the top because the mixture will get bigger when it freezes.
  4. Freeze and Chill! Pop those popsicle sticks in and put them in the freezer for at least 4-6 hours, or until they’re frozen solid.

Time to Eat!

  1. Warm Up for Takeoff: Once frozen, run some warm water over the outside of the molds for a few seconds. This loosens the popsicles so they come out easier.
  2. The Big Pull: Gently pull on the popsicle sticks to remove your frozen treats from the molds.
  3. Enjoy! Now comes the best part – dig in and enjoy your homemade Sour Worm Popsicles!

Bonus Tip: Feeling fancy? Drizzle some melted chocolate or candy coating over your popsicles for an extra yummy touch!

Skip the store-bought treats and make a batch of these tangy and fun Sour Worm Popsicles. They’re the perfect way to cool down this summer and will leave you wanting more!

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Tropical Layered Rum Runner

  • Author: Emma Carter
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 1 serving 1x


Summer’s here and it’s calling for something cool and tropical! This Layered Rum Runner is the perfect way to relax and sip on a taste of paradise without ever leaving your backyard.


  • 1 oz Grenadine
  • ½ oz Coconut Rum
  • 4 oz Pineapple Juice
  • 1 oz Pineapple Rum
  • 1 oz Blue Curaçao


  1. Fill a glass with ice.
  2. Pour grenadine syrup into the bottom of the glass.
  3. Combine pineapple juice and coconut rum in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain the mix and slowly pour it over the grenadine, creating a distinct middle layer.
  4. In the same shaker, combine pineapple rum and blue curaçao with ice. Strain and carefully pour this mix on top of the other layers, creating the blue top layer.
  5. Garnish with pineapple slices, grapefruit slices, and/or maraschino cherries (optional).
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Category: Cocktail
  • Method: Shaken, Layered
  • Cuisine: Tropical

Keywords: layered cocktail, rum, grenadine, coconut rum, pineapple juice, pineapple rum, blue curaçao, tropical

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